The 2012 London Olympics Security Company Fiasco

Securing the Olympic compound has never been an easy task. In this day and age of constant unprecedented security threats, and considering the British organizational incompetence in terms of security personnel - it becomes mission impossible.

As far as wars and terror threats are concerned, 2012 is probably and unfortunately rated right there at the top. This fact alone should have forced The United Kingdom to take the security issue a lot more seriously. Instead, they chose to focus on building the compound and taking care of the athletes, and not on training a professionally qualified security squad.

Once the company handling the cleaning and maintenance duties, has taken upon itself to hire 14,000 security guards, and later on with just a few days left before the opening ceremony, announces she failed in doing so - you can be certain that the entire planning process was flawed right from the get go.

The training and qualification process of the security guards should have started months ago. They should have been recruited a long time ago, spending the last six months in training and simulation. The current situation clearly reflects upon the organizer's incompetence in terms of securing the world's most illustrious event.

After the recent scandal has erupted, the British government decided to solve the crisis by relying on soldiers that had just returned from Afghanistan. Such a decision is virtually an own goal because a patrolling soldier in Afghanistan simply does not possess the necessary skills required to serve at the Olympic compound.

The soldiers are accustomed to real-time conflicts, looking for suspicious behavior typical of the place they were situated in. Tracking possible threats among mostly European crowd is obviously not the same. Forcing them to face such a scenario can result in grave consequences.

The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre has unfortunately proven to all of us that terrorists are always looking for this one opportunity to infiltrate the Olympic village and to cause as much harm and damage as possible. They carefully study every potential breach and do all in their power to exploit it.

In addition, we can also assume that the people already recruited for the job are not qualified professionals. If the company in charge of the recruitment and hiring mission has only just announced its inability to do so, it is safe to say that they have already tried to reinforce their forces at any cost. The reinforcement squad obviously includes some people that don't have any security related experience.

I believe that the only possible and worthy solution would be to bring over security experts and trained professionals from The United States and other countries. All the security guards arriving must be well trained and qualified in order to address and neutralize any possible threats. They should all replace the Afghanistan veterans whose level of training isn't suited for securing a supermarket at the suburbs - let alone the Olympic compound.